Meet the man with the biggest mouth in the world ~ LeviTodaY

Meet the man with the biggest mouth in the world

He has already broken 48 records by holding 92
pencils, 79 grapes, 12 lit candles, five golf balls in
his mouth. And he is not going to stop, this time
he put 1,001 straws into his mouth and hold
them for a minute. Mr Upadhyaya, who is
nicknamed Maximouth said:
“My dream is to break all possible mouth stuffing
records as soon as possible. To enhance my
mouth stuffing capacity, I practice yoga and
breathing exercises regularly. I also massage my
facial muscles and using fingers I try to stretch
the opening of my mouth as much as possible.
"I repeat this for up to ten minutes to make my
cheek rubber-like. At first I could only fit 50 in my
mouth. I went through the most painful
experience. But I was confident enough to break
this record and soon, with practice, I increased
my mouth stretching capacity and was able to fit
more than 70 pencils.”


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