2.Find a host that supports WordPress. A webhost is your website’s server, and contains all of the data for your website. Several of the most popular webhosting services provide WordPress preinstalled, or allow easy installation. These include, but are not limited to:
Go Daddy
3.Login to your control panel. Most webhosts
provide customers with a control panel (cPanel) that allows you to control the operation of your website.
4.Install the WordPress script. Most webhosts
will have Wordpress already loaded and ready
to install. Simply scroll down on your cPanel
and look for the WordPress installation link.
This is usually located in the Scripts category. You will be asked to create an admin username and password for your blog.
5Upload the WordPress script. If your webhost does not provide WordPress preinstalled, you will need to upload it to your webserver. To do this, download the script from the WordPress.org website. Connect to your webhost via FTP. Upload
the WordPress files to the root of your domain. If you want WordPress to exist in a subdomain on your site, create the folder for the subdomain and place the WordPress files in that folder. Open the webpage where you uploaded the WordPress files to. You will see an option to run the installation script. Click the link and WordPress will install itself.
6.Log in to your blog. Once the script has been
installed, your WordPress blog is ready to use.
* Install your theme (eg Carrington mobile) to install go to the theme folder in your file manager.visit www.yourblog.com/wp-admin/themes.php to choose theme.Open the blog in your web browser, and log in with your administrator information. This will take you to your Dashboard, where you will be able to control all of the aspects of your blog.
7.Create your first post. Click the New button at the top of the page to open the post creation window. Here you can create your first post, introducing yourself and your blog. Add a title that stands out and makes the reader want to read your whole post.
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