The world is rapidly evolving and so are the inhabitants thereof.. it is no mere gainsaying that kids of nowadays develop and grow rapidly into adults and most times we wonder how time flies..
However, unlike their foreign counterparts, most nigerian parents are reluctant to teach and orientate their kids on driving lessons.
Driving is a skill which if acquired, is improved upon over time before the driver can become an expert at it..
So dear nigerian parents who can afford a car, highlighted below are reasons why you should teach your kids to drive before they reach full puberty.
1. Freedom of Expression:- Nigerian parents’ head swell when their young ones make them proud but only little of them gives room to aid their kid’s expression and courage.
Imagine a 22 year old asking Naijaloadites how to toast a fine girl in his street wtf!!! Please, driving lessons can boost your child’s morale and physical skills because kids are naturally born to be eager to learn new things..
2. Emergency Cases:- I once heard a story of a woman who wanted to give birth.. her cell phone was down, her husband was away from the country, it was just she, 4 cars in her garage and a 12 year old who couldn’t drive.. Unfortunately, she died..
I heard another story too of a man who, while driving to his hometown with his 9 year old kid got an heart attack, it was that boy who bravely drove his dad to the hospital and saved his life ( it is no mere fiction, i saw it on a national daily).. now, what does the two stories above preach to you??
3. Sweet Sixteen:- in UK, when you are about to clock sixteen, excitements fill your heart because you are either gon get your own car or you are gon have full access to your parents’..
Reverse is the case here and it is quite unfortunate.. even if you can’t afford to buy your kids one on their birthday or you do not have one of your own, take them for driving lessons and obtain driver’s license for them ‘with faith’.. trust me, it is the best present for a sixteen year old..
4. Sheer Embarrasment:- In this age, it is now more embarrassing for a teenager who can’t drive than for a fully grown woman who can’t cook ordinary soup.. is true
She can cover up her mess by buying food outside or employing others to, but you can’t hide the fact that you can’t drive.. Infact, it makes you lazy and awkward..
5. Job Opportunities:- Evidently speaking, some firms require those with driving lessons.. driving is a whole skill on its own..
My dad’s boss wanted to send me a message when i was 15 year old.. he asked, could you drive?? I answered no.. He was just shaking his head in pity for me.. then, he asked his 13 year old girl to drive me to get the assignment done.. I had regrets from that trip, i am sure i’d have been paid a lot of money if i had acquired driving skills earlier..
Ever been embarrased by your lack of driving abilities?
- #copied
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