Men's Guide: 5 Simple Things That Attract Women to Her Dream Man ~ LeviTodaY

Men's Guide: 5 Simple Things That Attract Women to Her Dream Man

A lot of women are attracted to men because of the features they possess. Groom yourself by reading these interesting features to help your land your perfect woman.
Want to know what can make her go crazy about you? Don't go far because we have it all here like it is hot. This must-read piece by Valentine Manu will guide you on how to be the tush yourself for the perfect man.
1. Full lips
You know how a painter cannot put thin strokes on bold background because they will just be sucked in? That is how this face cannot house thin lips. Given my physique, nobody ever understands why I do not shop in the vanilla section when it comes to choice of dating. But this is because they do not have what the African brother carries proudly and that is full lips. Like Puff Daddy kind of lips, I did not say mouth, Jay-Z, just the lips. I know it is not a given on every brother, but if you find one with the kind of face I described above, be sure it is housing the lips to match.
2. Facial hair
Not the Rick Ross or Leakey Odera kind of facial hair. But the tamed one; rough but in a controlled way. And not the sharply etched one pictured on barbers sign posts. Just enough hair running from the temple down the chin and underneath it – something I can run my fingers through when I am idle. The moustache need not to be full but sparsely distributed lacing nicely by the side of the full lips. And this hair should not compete with the hair on his head – hence my lack of affinity towards dreadlocked men. I like my man almost bald and shaves just enough to show off his balding head but not completely as if shying off from people finding out he is losing hair.
3. No six-pack
Height is not of the essence here, I gave up on this quality a long time ago as most African men are of average height and I will not miss my opportunity of love looking for a man to tower over me. My man should be fit and not necessarily to etch six-squared ice-cubes on his tummy. A small round tummy works just fine – I did not say a beer belly. If anything, he will not be self-consumed admiring his arms and taking selfies of his six-pack all day – that time and energy should be directed towards me. Just be fit enough and live a healthy lifestyle and we are good to go.
4. Bad boys are for school girls
Bad boys are for school girls and wives with low self-esteem. They are the ones with too much time on their hands to hang onto a bad boy philandering around town because they lack self-confidence to find a new one and can fathom being a door mat. I on the other hand, I am too proud to take crap because I know my worth. I need a guy who has his priorities straight, knows what he wants and has a plan for where he is going. This story for dating someone who only plans for Saturday night will leave you broke and haggard – with all the crying every night yet there is no value he is adding in your life. And no, crying in a Range Rover is for wives with low self-esteem. We all cry at some point in relationship but if you going to exhaust your girls every other weekend with all his drama, please take that Range Rover and blow dust on his face. Keep that class, another one who can maintain it will come along. 
5. Intelligence
Women love it when you are intelligent and can hold up conversation. A creative person they believe always knows how to reach her woman's heart. Women also love men they can brag about and show off to their friend.


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