7 Things Younger Nigerian Men Do to Seduce a Sugar Mummy ~ LeviTodaY

7 Things Younger Nigerian Men Do to Seduce a Sugar Mummy

Many young men love having Sugar Mummies for the fringe benefits they derive from the act, mostly financial and they usually have tactics used for wooing the older women.
A young man with an older woman
Cougars are older women who are involved in s*xual relationships with men way younger than them. While the society may raise eyebrow at these women, they are basically women who have needs and wish to satiate their s*xual appetite. 
In present times, cougars, known as “sugar mummies” in this part of the world, have become victims of young men who often swindle them. However, this has not stopped the existence of cougars as they are also know the signs to watch out for when picking their toy boys. 
As much as people despise the idea of older women dating younger men, we also have to be considerate in our thoughts of them. 
The fact that they are old does not mean they are s*xually inactive. As a matter of fact, most women become s*xually active after the age of forty. 
And it is only normal for them to find ways of relieving themselves of the ache and s*xual tension that might have been built up in them. Cougars, although they have their demands, have certain things they look out for in their partners. 
They have feelings that go beyond s*x sometimes and are always cautious of the men they go for. 
In view of all these, there are certain things a young man could do that can get a cougar to be seduced. 
Find some of these things below: 
1. Demonstrating some sort of respect towards her 
Women generally love to be respected; and considering the age of the woman you may be attracted to, it is impertinent that you accord her some respect. Older women are conscious of their ages, they tend to tread softly. They hate to lose their self-respect in a bid to finding a partner. Showing them respect would make them endeared to a man overt time.
2. Appreciating and complementing them 
Older women live daily knowing they are not young but would do anything to maintain their figure and vigor. A young man who sees them beyond the wrinkles on their skin and makes effort to complement her is inadvertently on the path to seducing her. Before long, they would grow fond of men like these. 
3. When younger men act indifferent
A young man who is able to have an unbiased opinion about cougars may hit a spot with one. Acting opposed to a cougar’s way of life and expressing these strong opinions may awaken a sense of guilt in an older woman. Men who are able to steer clear of such issues and remain unabashed about cougars and their affairs could seduce one in no time.
4. Confidence
Every woman love to be associated with confident men. For cougars, it is essential as they have reached a stage in their lives where they feel are entitled to their opinions and could choose a certain life style. Men who demonstrate this attribute would win the attention of a cougar. Cougars love men who are confident in addition to their youthfulness. 
5. Class and sophistication 
Young men who are classy and highly sophisticated are usually cougars’ cravings. Most cougars are financially dependent women who have class too. They believe a young man with class could be invested in as he would complement them. Men in this range find it easier to sweep cougars off their feet and seduce them in no time.
6. Presence of romance
Young men who are romantic are always able to win the hearts of older women. They may be old but they still enjoy the romantic gestures younger men throw their way. These make them feel young at heart and bring them beautiful memories. 
7. Avoiding certain terrain 
Older women who date younger men have thirst for power. They try paving ways for themselves in the corporate world and would not appreciate a young man who seems to be in competition with them. Men who are able to avoid this issue would gain their trust in no time and become their partners.

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