woman was stunned to discover the 'ghost' of her dead mother-in-law in a
photo which was taken a long time after the woman had died.
The ghost appears in the background behind Jotham in Caroline's image
The ghostly figure of the woman's mother-in-law has apparently
turned up on a family photograph taken eight whole years after she
passed away.
Caroline Walker was snapping shots of her grandson as they played peek-a-boo.
But when the 49-year-old looked through her shots, she spotted a see-through spirit in a nightie popping up behind him.
It’s believed that the pale figure is the ghost of Caroline’s mother-in-law, Adele Lockwood
Caroline, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, said: "It's really weird and quite spooky, I can see arms and part of a see-through body that appears to be dressed in a nightie.
"The figure in the pictures is transparent and the only person I
think it could be is my ex-mother-in-law because we have her old
furniture in the room.
"The house is only 20 years old so I don't think there could be any spirits from my home, she's the only one we can think of. I only met my mother-in-law a few times but I know she was a strong businesswoman who seemed really nice.
"Tragically she had an accident that left her in a vegetative
state before passing away in 2008 but even then in her worse days she
knew who I was.
"Pretty much everything in the room belonged to her, it was all her antiques. Maybe
she was coming to have a look to check her antique furniture was ok or
maybe she came to look at her great-grandson, we're not really sure.
"I was taking a lot of pictures of my grandson Jotham who was pulling silly faces in front when it happened. My grandson was just being cheeky he loves having his photo taken, he was posing for some fun photos.
"We never saw anything at the time while taking the pictures, it's very strange we can't explain it ourselves. It was only a few weeks later when I was going through them that I noticed what looked like a ghost behind my grandson.
"When I showed my friends they first start to laugh in disbelief, but then they were a bit shocked. It's changed the way I see the room, I'm not worried at all but it feels like she could be still there.
"I've always believed in the paranormal but until you see
something yourself you can never be certain and now I do think there
could be something after death."
Caroline Walker and her grandson, Jotham who was messing around in the spooky snap
After discovering the haunting figure Caroline consulted with
paranormal investigators but even they have struggled to explain the
chilling findings.
Since then she's taken several pictures to try to capture the figure again but hasn't seen anything unusual.
Caroline added: "I've showed the picture to paranormal groups but no one's been able to give a credible explanation for what it could be.
"Some people have suggested it could be caused by the light but
my phone is quite old and doesn't have a flash, plus if it did there
would have been a reflection - in this picture the figure is
"Since the incident I've noticed a few more creaks in the house
but I don't know if that's been caused by the spirit or if it's just
the house.
"I've even tried to take more pictures to see if the spirit pops up again, but I don't know if she'll show up again.
"I always try to see the logical side of things but this picture I cannot explain."
- Mirror Online
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