Hmm, Even Chicken Is Affected By The Economy Of Nigeria. (Read more) ~ LeviTodaY

Hmm, Even Chicken Is Affected By The Economy Of Nigeria. (Read more)

Due to the high increase in price of ckicken meals, for example 100kg of maize feed which was #6000 in April 2016, is now #12000 that shows an 100% rise in the price and also fish meals which is another important poultry feeds which was once #500 is now sold for #800 which shows a 60% increase in the price, and this has led farmers to ration the food of their chicken.
This also has led to the increase in price of the by product of these live stock, for example the price of create of egg was once #600 is now #650 and #700 by the size you want. The rationing of food by the farmers has led to malnutrition which does not allow hens to lay adequate egg.

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