Horror! Meet the Family With a Curse That Makes All Their Men Disappear Without Trace One By One (Photo) ~ LeviTodaY

Horror! Meet the Family With a Curse That Makes All Their Men Disappear Without Trace One By One (Photo)

In what will come across as a really shocking development, a family has been said to be plagued by a heavy curse that threatens their men.
Rebecca Mokoena and her daughter Ouma. Photo by Ntebatse Masipa. 
A South African family has been in serious agony for a while.
According to Rebecca Mokoena, the matriarch of the family, they are under a curse and that the number '4' is a sign of bad luck for them.
Daily Sun SA reports, in 1994, Rebecca Mokoena’s only son Oupa disappeared without trace. Ten years later (2004), her husband Ishmael also vanished without trace.
The family visited a native doctor who told them that they have been cursed with idukanezwe muthi (a powerful juju)
The native doctor told them the intention is to make all male members of the family disappear without trace.
Now they are wondering who’s next. “In 2014 we were scared and guarding our three young like a hawk. We don’t trust anything because we don’t know who did this to our family,” said Ouma Mokoena (38), Rebecca's daughter.
“We lock the gates to stop the boys from wandering away especially on weekends. We check them when they are playing outside.”
Rebecca (42) said a native doctor came to strengthen her home so none of her male grandchildren disappeared. But even though the native doctor performed rituals she still lives in fear.
What worries her most is that her husband and son were mentally well when they disappeared. “I would understand if they were mentally disturbed or if we quarrelled, but none of that is a factor.”
Rebecca said she doesn’t sleep at night when she thinks about their disappearances. “I sometimes see my husband in dreams and he doesn’t seem to be happy. I’m asking for prayers.” she said
A native doctor, Madoda Vhuthela says idukanezwe is used by some bad ritualists to destabilise families.
“The muthi makes members of the family disappear without any reason.”

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