Looking for Some More Cash? Checkout These 15 Small Business Ideas That Can Fetch You Extra Money in Nigeria ~ LeviTodaY

Looking for Some More Cash? Checkout These 15 Small Business Ideas That Can Fetch You Extra Money in Nigeria

If you have been looking for ways through which you can make some extra income in these pretty hard times, then this is a piece you can't miss.
There are small business ideas out there a Nigerian can make money from. There are many businesses in Nigeria that any serious person can do conveniently even with less money and end up with more than enough cash to cater for his needs.
Nigerians are not lazy people as some wrongly assume them to be; the only problem that is affecting most Nigerians is the ability to sit down and properly think out their ways and come up with a good business and do it well to attract some needed investors to push the business to the next levels.
There are more than enough business opportunities scattered all over our road ways here in Nigeria which many capable people among us are closing their eyes on while preferring to go to another country to do all kinds of menial and demeaning jobs or even wait right here at home only to have the foreigners employ them to work for them in their own country. What a shame! What that simply means, is that our eyes are closed to the opportunities surrounding us.
It is therefore our duty here at WealthResult.com to help any business minded individuals, not only to entertain those sound business ideas but to nurture and bring to life all those great and wonderful business and entrepreneurial spirits sitting idle in your minds with nothing more than mere wishes year in year out.
As we can all see, another year has just begun and if nothing is done about it with regards to what business to get involved in and do, believe me, it will be another story filled year of what government do or did not do which on its own does nothing to alleviate our sorry state.
Is it not or will it not be better to stand up and think out our ways and get involved in any business which we had tirelessly updated for all to see on this platform.
Better still, and as if all the businesses we had written about are not enough, we are continuing without let up in bringing to you most of the businesses that a person can start in Nigeria and do it profitably even with less amount of money.
Here are list of business ideas one can actually start with little amount of money and grow it to become something big in no time depending on how serious the business is taken.
Below Are Some List Of Business Opportunities In Nigeria
1. Honey Business
Do you know that you can actually start honey business and with less than N50,000 and grow it to become viable business that can take care of your financial worries in life? Keep visiting this site as we are sure to provide you with step by step guides on how to make millions with honey business.
2. Business Consultant
What does it really take to start consulting for both big and small businesses all over the country? When you sit down and give some careful thoughts to what various businesses are going through, many of which are in the brinks of collapse.
Do you know that you can take it upon yourself to understudy the various aspects of the businesses and set up a consulting firm as guru? This is a viable opportunities especially for the graduates who are roaming the streets looking for the jobs that are no where to be found.
3. Farming
Whenever farming of any type is mentioned, the next thing that usually come to the minds of the young people is that it is for the elderly and uneducated villagers.
The earlier you discard such reasoning the better, because many young graduates in Nigeria are living their dreams doing one form of farming or the other.
See the potentials of different types of farming which has been covered on this platform and take your time to conduct further researches on any of them and see for yourself that farming is no longer how it was once viewed.
4. Printing
This is very wide and anyone interested in it have a choice to make as to which one to get into. Printing on T shirts, umbrellas, on cars, and on so many other things, are all business and of which a serious person can do.
Billboard in the country is a big business which requires millions of naira to get into but do you know that you can start little by little and get to that stage if you really want to? You can become a freelancer in the printing industry by setting up a kiosk and place advert there for people to bring their jobs while you take it to any printery firm of your choice and grow your business from there. Having some graphics design knowledge is an added advantage in this area too.
5. Paint Making
Paint making is another secret business that many don’t even know exists. Paint making can take care of your basic expenses and secretly turn you into a big boy or girl to the admiration of your mates who are busy looking for that exotic jobs in the oil companies.
It’s all about getting some basic training from some reputable paint makers and think out how to set up your own gradually.
6. Liquid Soap Making
Sometimes when I come across some house wives or young boys and girls that are making cool deal with liquid soup productions, I often marvel at what is obtainable doing a simple business for oneself. It is not a secret thing anymore that you can actually produce that same detergents that you spends money to buy and even sell to others and make your own money.
7. Recharge Card Business
The general notion about recharge card is that it’s not lucrative and just an exchange of money. But my verdict on that is “WRONG”. With recharge cards, houses are being built, cars are being bought, and those doing it rightly are living the comfortable life of their choice.
If you really want to make money from recharge cards business, an expert says, “don’t limit yourself” when probed further on what he meant by that, he said that many people do it wrongly by depending on retailing it instead of exploiting other avenues therein such as printing and distributing it to others even with less profits which adds up with your own profits over time.
8. Bead And Hat Making
This is a handiwork that some students are using to pay their school fees and are even sending money home to their parents. Some nicely designed beads can go for up to N6,000 and this is from what you didn’t even spend up N1,000 in buying the materials. Ask the bead makers and you will be surprised at what they make.
9. Private Coaching.
With your expertise or with that subject (s) you excelled at in school, do you know that you can exchange it with just more than enough cash to take care of yourself while look for that job that are hard to come by? Get up and start paying yourself by building the upcoming lads up with the knowledge you got from school. Run a private coaching for at least 4 school children in a month and see what you make.
10. Sales Of Used Items
This has a wider appeal and includes so many things you can think of. You can go into used shoes known as Okirika shoes, Clothes, and even bags. There is lot of money to be made in all these things but the major problem is how some people that are into carry themselves.
One can go into the business both in a small scale and in a big way and make good money by doing it with all seriousness as most of these second handed goods has been found both to be cheaper and stronger than most brand new ones in the market.
11 Laundry
Laundry business is what a person can actually start and grow it into big business that could eventually take care of the major things that has to do with finance. Just going about asking friends to give you their clothes to watch for them is not a business that is never heard of.
If you don’t know, laundry business is a big business which costs so little to start.
12. Food Stuff Delivery
You may not necessary own a shop of your own but if you do, it’s an added advantage. All it requires is for the person to run affiliate with a big shop owner and collect goods from him to supply to your customers.
Sometimes, even your customers and others may not even know that you doesn’t own a shop of your own. It’s all about thinking out what really works for you as person. As for business, it is just everywhere.
13. Makeup Artist
This is another business that those who know about it are making more than enough money from. Details here.
14. Blogging
Without mincing words, if done right and given the commitments that it requires, blogging can take you to any place you want to go in life. Blogging is not a quick way of making money but rather a sure way of building a life time income if you don’t mind. If really interested in this sure money maker, plan to attend our Epic Blogging Seminar coming up in few day.
In all the businesses covered in this post, one thing that is sure about any one of them is that you are sure to make money from it if you are serious with it and follow the guidelines.
Bear in mind this age long principle if you want to start any business and build it to last.
Developing any business ideas and turning them into a wealthy empire requires experience, creativity, and time.

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