10 Simple Sweet Ways to Show Your Woman Super Love ~ LeviTodaY

10 Simple Sweet Ways to Show Your Woman Super Love

Love is one sweet thing to feel and to be loved is just awesome. Here are simple ways to show your woman super love this season.
Love isn’t just one grand gesture that gets you high for days on end. It’s the little, seemingly inconsequential things that build up and create a loving atmosphere. If you want to show your partner how much you love them and appreciate having them in your life, here are 10 ways you can do that via SpankyLove.
1. Touch more. Don’t turn your nose up at public displays of affection. Sometimes, a little PDA is all that your lover needs to know for sure that you love them. Holding hands, slinging your arm around them, kissing and hugging are all wonderful expressions of love. Don’t just save it for public excursions, either. The sweetest forms of affection take place behind closed doors, so don’t be shy to get touchy feely with your partner. 
2. Laugh and play. Don’t be serious and uptight all the time. Sure, it may just be who you are, but there’s no reason why you should forgo laughing and playing with your partner on a regular basis. The whole point of being in a relationship is to be able to do silly things together and be as expressive as you want.
Playtime is very important, and I don’t just mean between the sheets. Turn everyday chores into something fun. You could play hide and seek at the grocery store, tag team on cleaning days and get into irrelevant yet super fun tickle fights. It doesn’t matter what you categorize as fun, but so long as you can do it and make your partner smile in the process, your job is done. Remember that you’re never too “adult” to indulge in playtime with your lover.

3. Give gifts. Everyone loves gifts, and your partner is no different. You don’t have to head out to Tiffany’s and overpay for bling bling, although that won’t hurt one bit. But you can also spend a dollar on the gift, so long as it’s meaningful.
Most of the time, the sweetest gifts are the ones that cost nothing, so if you have the time to make something with your own two hands, go for it. Whether it’s a pressed flower bookmark or a playlist of your favorite tunes, it’s really the thought that counts. You can also give your lover experiences like a holiday, scuba diving course, power boat license, or anything else that you think they’d enjoy.
4. Send love notes. Instead of verbally expressing your love, put it down on paper, or e-paper for that matter. From post-its to memes, there are countless ways for you to show your appreciation in love. I, for one, always leave little surprise notes in my fiancé’s suitcase every time he has to go off on a business trip.
You’ll be surprised at just how meaningful these little scraps of paper can be to someone who is homesick and missing their lover. It reminds them that no matter how far away they are, they have someone waiting for them at home. 
5. Pay attention. Another way to show your appreciation in love is to always pay attention to what they say and do. Some people are less expressive than others, and if your sweetheart is like this, you have to learn to read between the lines.
They may not always show and express just how stressed, tired or upset they are, so it’s your job to figure it out. For example, I had no idea just how much pressure my fiancé was under at work, until his colleague blabbed it to me when I ran into him at a café. It hit me hard, and I felt so guilty for not paying attention to the little signs that my lover was sending out on a daily basis. I learned to focus, and I can confidently say that listening and paying attention are very important when it comes to showing appreciation in love.
6. Give thanks. Show appreciation to your lover by being grateful, and be sure that you verbalize it every time. Even the little things deserve recognition. From making dinner to taking out the trash, be thankful that your partner does these things, not because it’s expected of them, but because they want to do it.
7. Plan surprises. Ah, the power of surprises. Everyone loves a good surprise, so why not make the effort to plan a little something for your sweetheart? From the big stuff like organizing a getaway, to surprising them with dinner reservations at their favorite ribs joint, make the effort to be lovingly adorable.
Even the simple stuff counts as a surprise. Stuff like setting up a candlelit bubble bath for your girlfriend after she gets home from a long day at work to treating your husband to a sexy oil massage, don’t underestimate the power of these surprise gestures. 
8. Give your time. You can also show appreciation in love by giving your time to your loved one. Let them know how important they are by setting aside all distractions the next time you spend quality time together. Put your phone away, and turn off all your little gadgets. Make it all about the two of you, and indulge in endless conversations about anything that tickles your fancy.
My fiancé and I practice “nothing night” on a regular basis. We basically make sure that there’s nothing around to distract us from one another. We just shut the world out and sit alone at home chatting, laughing and just reveling in being together. Although our schedule isn’t set it stone, we make it a point to do this every so often to intimately reconnect. 
9. Give praise. Another way to show appreciation is to give praise. Positivity is extremely important in a relationship, and one way to project this is to let your lover know just how great they are. Praise your boyfriend’s cooking, tell your wife she looks stunning, whisper to your lover how great they smell and so on. There are myriad ways that you can praise someone, so be sure to do it often.
10. Take care of things. Show your partner how much you appreciate them by taking care of things. I don’t mean it in a Scarface sort of way, where you shower their enemies with cocaine and AK-47 them to death. I mean helping them take a load off their shoulders. Do something nice and meaningful for your partner, especially when they’re feeling down or stressed out.
Little gestures like washing their car, grooming the dog, putting the kids to bed, grabbing takeout on the way home and other little everyday gestures will be sure to please them. The less they have to worry about, the more they will know just how much you love them

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