The Difference Between Living A Fruitful Life & Living A Sacrificial Life ~ LeviTodaY

The Difference Between Living A Fruitful Life & Living A Sacrificial Life

There is one mistake some Christians make today which should be corrected. It is about living a fruitful life as a Believer in CHRIST. Mind you, Salvation in CHRIST is only by Grace through faith in CHRIST... nothing more nothing less. The reason Apostle Paul admonishes us believers to be living a fruitful life as evidence of our Salvation is not because we would lose our Salvation but its only because of our relationship with people.

Now some or most Christians have termed living a Sacrificial life as the ideal Christian life which is to produce fruits but they got it all wrong..... Look at the explanation below.

Living a “sacrificial life” is not the same as being fruitful. To sacrifice is to give up something for nothing, like the lambs did on the altar. They received no benefit from it. The notion that Christians have to live sacrificial lives is man’s idea, not God’s. Jesus said that He came so that we could have an abundant life, not a sacrificial one. (John 10:10 )

Christians aren’t asked to give up something for nothing. No one who is truly walking with the Lord thinks of it as a sacrifice, he thinks of it as a greater blessing than anything he could have otherwise received. People who take pride in living a sacrificial life are missing the point, and by denying themselves the things they secretly still want (it wouldn’t be a sacrifice if they didn’t), they not only aren’t producing any fruit, they may just be performing works of the flesh. You can tell because the result is not joy, it’s jealousy, envy or resentment toward others. These are not the fruit of the Spirit.


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