After the rapper paid a hefty settlement to his former landlord, It has reportedly prompted a lawsuit from a Los Angeles based jeweller who claims the rapper owes him almost quarter of a million dollars.
TMZ claim bespoke jewellery designer Jason Arasheben has been granted a $200,000 judgement after failing to receive payment for a diamond studded Pantheon watch and solid gold neck chain.
The issue is understood to stem from a 2013 jewellery deal with the under-fire boyfriend of Kylie Jenner at the Beverly Hills branch of the high-end chain, which also boasts stores in Miami, Las Vegas and Tokyo.
It’s understood that Arasheben has employed the services of legal team Danny Abir and Boris Treyzon after the lawyers successfully settled a pay-out on behalf of Tyga’s former landlord, Gholamreza Rezai.
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