Muslim Condemns Some Wears On Display In Amazon ~ LeviTodaY

Muslim Condemns Some Wears On Display In Amazon

A sexy Burka costume with a plunging neckline that reveals cleavage that was advertised on Amazon has been taken down by the online store after it prompted furious comments from Muslims who branded it 'disgusting' and 'racist'. 

The dress complete with a face veil and modelled by a white Caucasian woman, could be bought for just under £20 and was described on Amazon as a “sexy Saudi burka Islamic costume” with “a lovely soft stretch material”.

Besides the sexy Burka costume was another advert of clothing that showed “Arab” costumes modelled by white men wearing make-up.

Amazon users blasted the website, branding them racists, one user said; “You’re all disgusting racists. My culture is not your costume.” 

While another user said: “A person’s culture is NOT a fancy dress costume,” and one more added: “Is this some sort of mockery to the religion.”

Another user said: “Whoever you are fear Allah. It’s not a joke.”

A spokesman for the online store said: “All Marketplace sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who don’t will be subject to action including potential removal of their account.

“The product in question is no longer available.”


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