Very Important! Ladies, These are 3 Things You Should Never Do Straight After S*x ~ LeviTodaY

Very Important! Ladies, These are 3 Things You Should Never Do Straight After S*x

S*x is an amazing experience many people hope to have every now and then but not many know that certain things are not allowed immediately after getting laid.
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Straight after s*x you may be at your most relaxed, but there are three things you should never do after the deed.
"When the vaginal tissues have been lubricated, swollen, and rubbed against during intercourse, it changes how that tissue reacts to the environment," Kansas-based gynecologist Leslie E. F. Page, M.D. told Women's Health. "Primarily, you run a much greater risk of infection."
So if you want to keep your lady bits healthy, we suggest you never do these things after s*x:
1. Soap-up down there
You might feel like you want to wash after s*x, but make sure you don't use soap. Lathering up your lady bits can cause irritation and dryness and post-sex you may even experience an allergic reaction.
"The v*gina is a self-cleaning organ, and needs to be treated very, very gently—if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, you shouldn’t put it in or around your v*gina," adds Leslie.
If you do want to scrub up use water only.
2. Forget to wee
There's a reason why you always need to wee after s*x – it helps clear any bacteria that may have been pushed into your v*gina.
"[S*x] can result in post-intercourse bladder infections," said Robert Wool, M.D., ob-gyn, "You can have some snuggle time, just empty your bladder within an hour of s*x."
3. Chill out in a hot tub
While the idea of a post-coital hot tub dip might sounds nice, it could actually be very bad news for your v*gina.
"When your vulva swells in response to s*xual stimulation, it reveals the opening of the v*gina, which means you have a greater chance of infection," said Leslie.
"If you’re in a hot tub with your partner, that means you’re exposed to the bacteria on his skin and anus."

"Also, extensive water exposure reduces the efficiency of your skin’s antimicrobial barrier," she added.

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