Research Shows Men with this Body Type Have the Most S*x and are Good in Bed ~ LeviTodaY

Research Shows Men with this Body Type Have the Most S*x and are Good in Bed

According to a research, men with a certain type of body are known to have had more s*x and reportedly good in bed.
*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
Dailystar has revealed that according to a new study, men with a certain kind of physique are really good in bed.
Researchers at Chapman University quizzed 60,000 heterosexual men and women to find out the amount of people they’d had s*x with as well as their height and body mass.
The average number of sexual partners amoug the group was eight. But when it came to body type, it was bad news for short blokes.
Men who were less than the average height had slept with around five women, while very tall men had bedded double the amount of partners.
Lead study author Dr. David Frederick said: “These findings confirm that height is relevant on the mating market.
“However, the relatively limited variation in s*x partner number for men across much of the height continuum is difficult to explain.

"Research has repeatedly shown than women prefer men who are relatively taller than they are.

"It is possible that for most women there is a certain minimal threshold of height, after which they will consider a male as a potential sex partner, and thus men above that height will end up with similar numbers of s*x partners.”
The team also looked at the guys’ body mass index (BMI) and found that those with an average BMI had the most sexual partners. Interestingly it was closely followed by men classed as overweight.
Although it’s worth pointing out that bodybuilders and lads with bulky muscles also fall into this category.
The study showed that taller, more muscular men are more likely to attract women than small and thin blokes.
Dr. David explained: "Men who appear somewhat larger, more powerful or more athletic generally report more sexual experiences than other men.”
Meanwhile another recent study revealed what women really want when it comes to penis size.
Unfortunately it was bad news for the average Joe, as researchers said women prefer a schlong that is 6.3 inches long with a 4.8 inch girth for long-term relationships.
However, earlier this year British scientists revealed the average todger is only 5.2 inches in length and 4.6 inches in circumference.
If they’re looking for a one-night-stand, ladies wanted someone even bigger.
The preferred p*nis size for a single night of passion was 6.4 inches in length with a 5 inch circumference.

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