Is Your Partner Cheating on You? This is How to Find Out Without Them Knowing ~ LeviTodaY

Is Your Partner Cheating on You? This is How to Find Out Without Them Knowing

People are now using a different and new technique to settle extramarital issues with their partners.
*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
People are now paying 'professionals' to wreck their cheating partner’s affairs in a desperate bid to save the relationship. Scorned partners or people who suspect their partners are cheating on them are now using 'specialist agencies' to track down the affairs.
According to Dailystar, the 'specialist agencies' offer their services to expose or hunt down cheating partners using different tactics. The agencies go after the cheating partners and sometimes convince mistresses to end their illicit relationships, other times they enlist rich men to pose as fake suitors to lure the lady away.
However, it has been reported that the agencies do no come cheap. For example, firms in China – where it’s growing in popularity – charge anywhere from $15,000 (£12,000) to $150,000 (£120,000) for the splitting service.
Zhu Lifei, who runs Changzhou Sincere Heart Marriage and Family Consulting, told the LA Times about one wife who sought his company’s help as she couldn’t leave her adulterous husband.
Part of the ploy involved staging a car crash to get the man’s sympathy.
The wife was covered in chicken blood and her car was dented, but unfortunately it didn’t do the trick and the man still “didn’t care”.
Zhu said: “People hate us.

“When I get phone calls, someone is cheating, someone is splitting. My heart is tired.”
Meanwhile a recent study revealed the prime cheating time in most relationships.
Explaining why people cheat, a new research by extra-marital dating site Saphrina, revealed that two thirds of adulterers are more likely to have an affair within the first five years of marriage.
The infidelity website quizzed more than 300 of its British members about their sneaky habits.
It turns out that 27% of love rats had only been married for one to two years, while 36% had been betrothed for between three and five.
Researchers also looked into peoples’ reasons for indulging in an extra-marital affair.
An unsatisfactory sex life came out on top, with 27% of members divulging that this was their reason for having an affair.
And 14% revealed that a high libido was the most likely reason to make them stray, followed by feeling turned off by their spouse (9%) and to satisfy a fetish (9%).

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